Today my heart is heavy…

Life has been busy; thus it has been a while since I wrote a blog post.  But today I woke up with the need to share…

Today my heart is heavy…  As I watched the reactions of people, those I know and those I do not, from the Grand Jury’s verdict in the Ferguson Case (google Ferguson Missouri or see any major news outlet if you are not aware about Ferguson) I was rendered speechless.  I prayed and then I cried.  hands up, don't shootMarch on Washington

I cried tears of sorrow for the loss of so many brown men/boys.  I cried tears of angst for the blaming, shaming, and name calling (by people of all shades and colors) that has ensued as ordinary people grieve the loss of a young man who could be any of our sons, brothers, fathers, or friends; and as misunderstood activist are belittled, demeaned or cast aside for attempting to raise awareness regarding the repeat instances of unprovoked, unnecessary, or unjustified violence against men and women of color, especially those with skin of darker shades and hues.

I cried because… It is not wrong to stand up when you are wronged- and I wanted to stand tall.  It is not wrong to actively and passionately fight against an unjust system- and I wanted to protest, scream, and tear something down.  But I set still and prayed because I know- it will always be wrong to use anger, hate, and vengeance to stereotype, fault, shame and/or blame an entire group of people for the ignorance, racist, or prejudice beliefs and acts of a few.  When we do these things we continue the cycle.  I hurt because yesterday was an opportunity to use voices and actions to make a stand that was not only witnessed, but heard.  Yesterday was an opportunity to rewrite the story of Ferguson as not just a tale of unjustified violence but as a story of a hurt people coming together, strategizing, and making a call to action for real change!  But that story will not be written; because again the small acts of a few will overshadow the positive and peaceful acts of the many.  Yesterday’s actions yet again fuel headlines focused on people of color and violence.

CNN website post Ferguson verdict

So, today my heart is heavy and I am wondering if your’s is as well?  Let me know, share your thoughts after the T.


Principle designer at Noelle Ivey Designs, graphic, print & social media design for @mrcbu & @buodei, and #PSPfit Admin. I am a creative being that loves to read, sometimes write, but always watch and listen! My heart cries out for peace, love, acceptance and service of others.

Posted in Injustice, Social Justice
One comment on “Today my heart is heavy…
  1. My heart is heavy too. Thank you for writing this.

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